Welcome, Recruiters!
Recruiters are welcome to Hanover's campus throughout the academic year, although our traditional recruiting season is from November through March. There are many opportunities for employers, graduate schools and internship hosts to meet Hanover's students. Contact us if you would like to:
- Post current job and internship openings on HanoverConnect, our online job posting service.
- Offer an afternoon or evening presentation to students interested in your organization or institution. We'll handle the logistics, and can support all your audiovisual requirements.
- Conduct on-campus interviews with seniors or potential interns. Each organization that has scheduled a recruiting date with us will be marketed to our students in several ways, and the Levett Career Center staff will coordinate the students' interview schedules.
- Hold virtual interviews if you are unable to come to campus in person. We will set up the schedule and provide the facilities.
- Staff a table in our student center at peak hours to talk informally with students about graduate school, employment or internship opportunities. Again, we'll handle all the publicity and the arrangements, and your meal is on us.
- Recruit for permanent employees and interns at our career fair, co-sponsored by Hanover, held annually in late February or early March in Indianapolis. You will have the chance to meet with Hanover students as well as other liberal arts candidates from select schools in Indiana.
Recruiting for Future Graduate Students at Hanover
A high percentage of Hanover graduates attend graduate school: over the past 5 years, nearly 24% of our new graduates have opted to continue their educations in the fall following graduation. These numbers are even higher for our science majors, where 5-year averages for new grads entering advanced degree programs are: for Biochemistry, 47%; Biology, 25%; Chemistry, 49%; Kinesiology and Integrated Physiology, 54%; and Psychology, 36%. The number overall will increase within five years of graduation.