International Opportunities Alumni Panel
November 16, 2011
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Kimberly Miller '08
International Experience (since graduating): JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme)
Currently: Recently returned and in transition
BA, Major: Mathematics
Minor: Computer Science
Greek affiliation: Alpha Delta Pi
Kimberly was accepted into the JET program right before graduation and had 3 months to prepare for 3 years in Japan! She explained that in the JET program, your first contract is only for a year, but you can choose to stay longer if both you and your employer want to continue working together. What really got her interested in researching the program was a Japanese History class she took here at Hanover. Kimberly said that the mock interviews you can go through at the Career Center were really helpful in preparing her for her JET interview.
Jessica Maudlin '06
International Experience (since graduating): Administrative Aide at Children's Home, Hands Across the Sea - Deschappelle, Haiti
Volunteer for local organization to develop sustainable feeding center programs - Chinendega, Nicaragua
Preschool Teacher - St. Marc, Haiti
Currently: Program Assistant, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Presbyterian Church (USA)
BA, Major: Theological Studies
Minors: International Studies and Sociology
During her time at Hanover, Jessica was an I-Pal (International Pal), went to France for a Spring Term trip through the school, and later participated in the Lily vocation project where she spent 10 weeks in Zambia. She didn't want to be cliche about it, but these experiences changed her life. She is now bilingual, speaking English and Creole from her time spent in Haiti.
Sarah (Oblon) Distelrath '03
International Experience (since graduating): Peace Corps Volunteer - Malawi
Currently: EDP Renewables North America LLC, Development - Great Lakes
BA, Major: Art
Minor: Chemistry
Greek affiliation: Chi Omega
Sarah started out as a Pre-med student with her life all planned out ever since grade school until the events that happened that day that we all remember; September 11, 2001. That day really affected her and she dedicated herself to Art, which she found much more expressive than the sciences, and she also wanted to do something positive for the U.S. Sarah said she was completely naive about international travel and had never gone abroad at Hanover when she applied for the Peace Corps, which she says she really regrets. While attending Hanover, Sarah worked at Englishton Park in the summers.
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