
Levett Career Center
Assessing Strategic Search Skills
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Running a search for a rewarding, satisfying job involves more work than you might initially imagine, and is far less likely to end quickly and to your satisfaction if you simply surf the web for job openings or apply for positions you learn of through marquees on the road side. Below are the elements of an effective search.

Evaluate the strength of your search skills:

For each skill, use the slider to indicate a range of your skill strength between low and high. Try to give an honest and accurate assessment of your strength on each item. Those in italics are considered essential for mastery of this competency.

The closer to low your rating, the less accomplished the skill (e.g. incompletely, unsuccessfully, or never).

The closer to high your rating, the more you have accomplished the skill (e.g. completely, successfully, or every time).

Additional tips to build your strategic search skills:

  • Refer to the Career Center's Job Search Guide for further information about the job search process and for tips in approaching each step. Attend the Career Center's Job Search and Networking workshop.
  • Visit the Career Center for help in developing a Job Search Action Plan.
  • Seniors may ask the Career Center for an alumni mentor to provide ongoing advice and insight about the job search process in their chosen field.
  • Tell family and friends what you're looking for as clearly as possible so that they can help keep an eye out for possible options for you.
  • Put your research skills to work and find organizations that you would like to be a part of. Look them up on LinkedIn to see profiles of people they hire. Ask us to invite you to join our LinkedIn group, Hanover Career Alumni Network, which has over 1,000 Hanover alumni professionals who would like to help you.
  • Activate your NACElink account.
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