Return to Professional Competencies Overview
Evaluate the strength of your interviewing skills:
Hanover alumni in human resources tell us the behaviors below are particularly important when they interview candidates.
If you have already had a formal job interview, rate how you did at that time; if not, rate how well you think you are able to demonstrate these behaviors given your current knowledge and experience.
For each skill, use the slider to indicate a range of your skill strength between low and high. Try to give an honest and accurate assessment of your strength on each item. Those in italics are considered essential for mastery of this competency.
The closer to low your rating, the less accomplished the skill (e.g. incompletely, unsuccessfully, or never).
The closer to high your rating, the more you have accomplished the skill (e.g. completely, successfully, or every time).
Additional tips to build your interviewing skills:
- Review your responses to the Transferable Skills tool to help you identify your main strengths, which will become the 'agenda' in your interview.
- Refer to the Career Center's The Art of Interviewing Guide for specific strategies and sample questions.
- Request a mock interview at the Career Center to gain practice tailored to the industry and position you are seeking.
- Ask your campus employer to give you an interview for your position or a mock interview if you have already been hired.
- Aim to have at least four practice interviews in order to gain a good sense of what to expect, to learn how to prepare for professional interviews, and to develop comfort in talking about yourself and your strengths.
- See the Career Center's Informational Interviewing brochure for tips on quick conversations you can have with alumni and others who can answer many of your job-related questions and provide you advice to get started.