Internships: Start Early!
We strongly encourage all students to have at least one significant internship or pre-professional experience before they graduate. Studies suggest that internships are the best paths to full-time careers in virtually any field. In addition to the on-line
internship resources listed below, we maintain a large number of internship
openings in the office, including an internship database.
To find comprehensive information about the internship resources available
through the Center, please read A
Few Tips for Finding Internships. A valuable part of the internship learning experience is the reflection that occurs during and after the work itself; we recommend these Reflection Questions to assist you. If you have any questions, comments,
or suggestions, please contact our Internship Coordinator, David Harden.
Internships for Academic Credit:
It is possible for students to earn academic credit if they meet the College's conditions, and the first internship credit is given to students tuition-free! For specific details about the program, see our Academic Internship Program description. To assist you in developing a successful proposal, we urge you to consult our Internship Proposal Guidelines.
City Semester Internship Programs:
Semester-long, off-campus urban internship programs through The Philadelphia Center, The Washington Center and The Chicago Programs are available for students of at least sophomore standing. These experiential education programs provide opportunities for professional exploration, intellectual development, and personal growth in the heart of two of America's largest and most dynamic cities. Take a look at our comparison chart if you need help deciding which is the best fit for you.
Recent Academic Internships:
Take a look at photos of recent internships for which Hanover students earned academic credit.
Career Center Publications:
The Career Center's downloadable guides are available to assist you as you start your internship search, or you can pick them up in the Campus Center:
Internship Related Links:
If you are looking for an internship in Indiana, start by looking at Additional links are grouped by field of interest or location. |